Drama is designed to be an inclusive and creative course, aimed at increasing the cultural capital available to our students. The curriculum allows students to use their own imagination and creativity to create drama performances. An AGS drama student will develop their confidence in using their vocal and physical skills to communicate meaning of a story or character. Creating performance will develop transferable skills including teamwork, collaboration and evaluation skills, and their confidence is increased through live performance. Students will explore a wide variety of play scripts, styles and practitioners over the duration of KS3 Curriculum.
KS3 Drama
At KS3 students will explore a wide variety of play scripts, styles and practitioners. They will build their vocal, physical and design skills.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
KS4 Drama
Exam board: AQA
Qualification: GCSE Drama
The Drama specification followed at AGS is the AQA Drama GCSE 8062 (a link can be found below).
The course is examined through 3 separate components: